National Center on Educational Outcomes

NCEO Teleconference 10: March 21, 2005


We will look at traditional methods of standard-setting for general assessments, and discuss how these methods can be applied to alternate achievement standard-setting. We will facilitate an interactive exchange of state leadership and test company partners to clarify what can work for each state's context. WE ENCOURAGE STATES TO INVITE YOUR TEST COMPANY PARTNER TO JOIN YOU IN YOUR LOCATION TO DISCUSS THESE ISSUES.

In our December 13 teleconference, we referenced a possible call on access and alignment to the grade level content to be held this winter. We will be offering a 1.5 day pre-session on that topic at the CCSSO Large-scale assessment conference, from noon Friday, June 17 through Saturday, June 18, in lieu of a call.

Please note: We are having technical difficulties and our links to the Message Board and Survey are not functioning properly. Please send any comments directly to Rachel Quenemoen at

In order to get the most out of our March 21 teleconference, please review these materials online, or if you prefer, download them to your computer, or print them out.  Thank you.

Note: Some of the files below require Acrobat Reader. These are marked with an Acrobat logo. If you don't have this software, go to the Acrobat Reader Web site for a free download.

I. Materials for Teleconference 10

a. ITEMS: The Instructional Topics in Educational Measurement Series - Setting Performance Standards: Contemporary Methods. Gregory J. Cizek & Michael B. Bunch & Heather Koons

b. Olson, B., Mead, R., & Payne, D. (2002). A report of a standard setting method for alternate assessments for students with significant disabilities (Synthesis Report 47). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.

c. Setting Alternate Achievement Standards, Sue Rigney PowerPoint presentation.

d. Arkansas performance level descriptors and scoring rubric. You may link to the Arkansas Web site to view their Administration Manual for Students with Disabilities mentioned on the call:

II. Additional Resources

a. Comprehensive Resources on NCLB law, regulation, and guidance documents from

b. Overview:

c. Peer Review Guidance - an essential resource:

d. Checklist developed by MSRRC.  A “short form” tool for the Peer Review Guidance. State Standards and Assessments: Critical Elements Checklist. Extracted from Standards and Assessments Peer Review Guidance: Information and Examples for Meeting the Requirements of NCLB (April 28, 2004).

Panelists for the March 21, 2005 Teleconference

Researcher Panelists

Rachel Quenemoen, NCEO

Martha Thurlow, NCEO


State Panelist

Gayle Potter, Arkansas Department of Education


Policy Panelist

Sue Rigney, OESE


Federal Panelists
OSEP: David Malouf and Cynthia Bryant

Anne Chartrand, Southeast Regional Resource Center
Rachel Quenemoen, National Center on Educational Outcomes