Reaching the Promise of No Child Left Behind

The promise of No Child Left Behind for students with disabilities is that they indeed will not be left behind. Instead, the promise for all students with disabilities is that they will be held to high standards that will help prepare them successfully to leave school ready to attend a postsecondary institution or be employed. This is what schools should be doing. Thus, it is important to support schools in making this promise a reality. For students with disabilities, there are three critical elements to realizing the promise of No Child Left Behind: (1) good IEP team decisions about assessment participation, (2) appropriate assessments via accommodations or alternate assessments, and (3) realistic views of other assessment approaches.

Each of these elements is related to assessment. Of course, there are a host of critical instructional elements that must be in place to ensure success for all students. The intent of the assessment is to make sure that the critical needed instruction occurs effectively.

Assessment Participation Decisions. For each student with a disability, the decision about how that student will participate in the state assessment system is made by the student’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP) team. This team should not be deciding whether the student participates at all, but instead should be making decisions about how the student participates.

Appropriate Assessments via Accommodations and Alternate Assessments. Students with disabilities may participate in state assessments in the same way as other students or with accommodations or by participating in alternate assessments measured against the same academic achievement standards as all students. Currently, the U.S. Department of Education is considering a federal regulation that would permit States to establish alternate achievement standards against which to measure the achievement of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The NPRM proposed to limit, for calculating adequate yearly progress (AYP), the percent of students who could be considered proficient as measured against alternate achievement standards to 1.0 percent of a district or State’s school-age population in the grades tested in order to ensure that only truly significantly cognitively impaired students were held to different standards. This would only be a limit for purposes of calculating AYP, and not a limit on how many students could be tested with an alternate assessment.

Each IEP team member must take this decision about how the student participates in the assessment very seriously, because the decision is likely to have an effect on school accountability. The goal for IEP teams is to make sure that each and every student with a disability participates in a way that accurately portrays that student’s achievement of knowledge and skills so as to hold accountable the educational system responsible for the student’s learning.

Other Assessment Approaches. There are a number of approaches to assessment that may not be the best practice for accountability. For example, it is not the best practice for the IEP team to decide that a student should take an easier test if the school should be teaching the student grade-level skills, but has not.

Steps to Take. Although there are many complex issues surrounding good IEP team decisions about test participation, there are also some simple guidelines. First, strive for every possible student to be included in the general assessment – allowing for approved accommodations as needed. Second, make accommodation decisions very carefully. Finally, insist that assessments are the best measures that they can be for all students – including students with disabilities. Ask for assessments that have universal design features – assessments that have been designed from the beginning to be appropriate for the widest range of students.

There are resources that help parents and educators learn more about making good decisions about assessment participation for students with disabilities. Although this document has provided some important guidelines, it is worthwhile to also look at other resources for information. Several good resources for further information are provided following the next set of Questions and Answers on the topics of assessments, accommodations, and alternate assessments for students with disabilities.

Questions and Answers

Question:  What do IEP teams need to consider in making participation decisions?

Answer:  In keeping with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), IEP teams need to make individualized decisions. Yet, as they do so, they can keep in mind some general principles. The goal of accountability systems is to hold schools accountable for the educational results of students. Therefore, it is important to have accurate measure of what each student knows and can do. The job of the IEP team is to determine how best to measure what the student knows and can do.


The first decision for the IEP team to make is whether the student participates in the same assessment as most students or in an alternate assessment. In most states, the only students who participate in alternate assessments are those with significant cognitive disabilities who have instructional goals that are different from the goals of most students.


For those students who are participating in the regular assessment, the next decision is about accommodations that might be needed to demonstrate knowledge and skills. Many states have guidelines that help in making these decisions. The guidelines focus on what the assessment requires the student to do and what instructional accommodations the student generally receives.


Question:  What should the IEP team do if the child needs a “modification” or “nonallowed accommodation” to participate in an assessment?

Answer:  Some accommodations may invalidate a test. For example, reading a test to the student may invalidate a reading test. Many states have terms for such problematic test changes, such as “modification,” “inappropriate accommodation,” or “nonallowed accommodation,” and may have policies limiting the use of the scores produced. Federal policy under IDEA allows States to give the IEP team full authority to select accommodations needed for the child to participate in an assessment, even if the accommodation invalidates the test, or, States may instruct IEP teams to only select accommodations and modifications in the administration of an assessment that the State has determined will not invalidate the results of a particular test or portion of a test. In this later case, if an IEP team were to determine that an accommodation or modification in administration needed by a child would invalidate the test results, the IEP team should determine how the child could appropriately be assessed, such as through an alternate assessment. Results from invalid tests may not count as proficient when determining whether a school has met its proficiency target. Clearly, school personnel must be aware of the policy options in their State, and IEP teams must be aware of the consequences of accommodation decisions for students with disabilities and need to ensure that parents understand the consequences.


Question:  Do No Child Left Behind decisions affect graduation requirements?
Answer:  No Child Left Behind is about school accountability. It does not determine whether a student with a disability will have to repeat a grade or earn a regular diploma. These “high stakes” consequences for students generally are determined by state and local laws.


Resources for More Information

There are many valuable resources to help you as an educator, a parent, or a student to better understand assessments and accountability as reflected in the No Child Left Behind Act. The resources listed in this section are a beginning point. There will certainly be an explosion of information as states and districts begin to look at their disaggregated assessment results for students with disabilities and as these students begin to have an influence on accountability results.

Web site of the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO):
This Web site provides a wealth of information about the participation of students with disabilities in assessment and accountability systems, with brief discussions of a variety of related topics, questions and answers for each topic, and lists of online and other resources.

Web site of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE):
This Web site gives the user access to the No Child Left Behind Act, cross-cutting information on standards, assessment, and accountability, related regulations and guidance, as well as numerous forms of technical assistance and other resources.

Web site of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP):
This Web site provides information on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and numerous technical assistance centers and other resources to help bridge the connection between the No Child Left Behind Act and IDEA.